Daniels in the Lions Dens: Fighting the Good Fight of Faith against AI and more...
By Mary Ann Wray This morning, October 20, 2024, I attempted five different times to post my remarks about an important topic facing our nation and the Church today. This platform's intelligence that is artificial (I am referring to FB and using some wording here 'in code), yet replete with html scripts written by humans, flagged my posts because of certain words it didn't like. My husband says, they have flagged my profile now too. HA HA! Not being a quitter, I deleted those words that seemed to cause the red flag and rewrote my remarks using different words in the original post's window. Guess what? It flagged my post again even with the changed verbiage with a 'delete this' banner at the bottom. Okay, so I completely deleted the post after copying my 'narrative' into a note on my iPhone, changing some of the wording again, reposted it into a new 'create post' window, and guess what "it" flagged it again! Something weird is happ