Man Eaters

 Man Eaters

Mary Ann Wray (c) 2023


Let’s be honest with ourselves. We as Christians have all said, or believed things that were incorrect at one time or another. We have all heard or been taught things that are Biblically inaccurate. Perhaps we have even believed certain heresies at one time or another, but later changed our minds after studying the scriptures and the Holy Spirit opened our understanding.

Having said that, I believe the main difference between a heretic, false teacher, and/or a false prophet and a true one is not the fact that they may have missed the mark a time or two or interpreted the Scriptures incorrectly or differently than our denomination or lack thereof. I believe there are other more comprehensive ways to spot a false teacher/ teaching. For one,  there is enough evidence in scripture to compare the true from the false. Also, a persons’s character speaks volumes but that is more tricky to identify. We ourselves, must take the beam out of our own eye before looking for the speck in someone else's eye. However, the Lord is very specific about these things in scriptures and for a good reason.

Looking to Christ, the author and finisher of our faith and what He did while on earth, what He demonstrated about servant hood, and all of His teachings, we get a clear picture about character. Philippians chapter 2 also sums Christ's attitude that we should copy beautifully. Jesus told us to beware of ravenous wolves who come to us in sheep's clothing...

"Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them." Matthew 7: 15-20

What is this fruit Jesus speaks of? I believe he is saying that a true servant of the Lord will first demonstrate humility. They are willing to admit their mistakes, accept correction when necessary and repent for missing the mark, grieving God and misleading His people in any way.

A heretic, false prophet, and false teacher on the other hand, would rather die than admit to or give up their wrong teachings and beliefs. They become defensive when challenged or confronted about their lifestyle, teachings, decisions about leading, and attitudes. Their demeanor is usually haughty, prideful, and overly confident. You hear more about them, their ministries, their accomplishments, what they have and how blessed they are, rather than point you to Christ and tell you about what He accomplished for you on the cross through His shed blood and resurrection.

They also lack true accountability (answer to no one but God, so to speak), and unable to see, or admit their own spiritual blind spots. They may say that they answer to another so-called apostle or prophet, but typically, they shut out any other voices who seem insignificant to them. Ironically, and in God's often used ways, these insignificant ones may very well have a word from God for them but they automatically reject or discount it.

False teachers and prophets are not concerned about the real consequences their teachings and doctrines may have on God’s sheep or how these beliefs negatively impact the overall health of the church. They are convinced that everyone else who does not agree with their “key” doctrines is wrong. They believe they’re the only ones with true revelation from scripture or extra biblical revelations from God. They are more interested in creating a following for themselves, and receiving donations than they are rightly dividing the word of truth, properly, feeding God‘s lambs and sheep and making true disciples for Christ.

On the other hand, if they have been corrected, apologized and repented for their errors, but keep on teaching things that are wrong, that may mean one of two things: either they truly are a wolf in sheep’s clothing giving the appearance of being a genuine servant of the Lord, and teacher of the word, or, they simply don’t know how to rightly divide the word of truth and are unlearned. Their ministry and teachings need to be avoided at all costs.

Having said that, let’s be careful not to judge someone as a false teacher or false prophet because they have missed the mark or made a mistake or two. Rather, let’s examine as much evidence as we can (fruit), look at their lifestyle, examine more than one example of their teachings, observe their demeanor, and listen to our hearts for the witness of the Holy Spirit.

The truth is, none of us are going to agree, 100% on every point of doctrine as Christians. Disagreements about the non-essential doctrines for salvation like tongues, gifts of healings, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, how and when to be water baptized, women teachers and preachers, tithing, etc. won’t keep us out of Heaven.We can't allow these non-essentials for salvation to divide us. We must seek the Lord's wisdom and fervently study to determine what we believe about these things.

Only Jesus himself and his apostles were 100% right. I have a yet to listen to a pastor or teacher who we believed got it 100% right ALL the time or we agreed with 100% of what he said. But we do listen to what they say about Jesus Christ, the cross, the resurrection, the Holy Spirit’s purpose in our lives, the development of character, doing good works, and what it means to be a true follower and disciple of Jesus.We are commanded to test all things, including ourselves.

In an age of a plethora of heretics, false prophets and teachers, we must pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to help us judge with righteous judgment using scripture as the plum line. Selah.


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