Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Gleaning in the Fields of Life


                          Gleaning in the fields of life…

                                          Mary Ann Wray


Religious pride will hinder a person from gleaning any value from another person’s life experiences, trials, tribulations and the wisdom and knowledge they gained from them. 
What if Ruth never gleaned from Boaz’s felds? If she had not listened to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and humbled herself to that lowly station, she would never have been in the position to marry and become a joint heir with Boaz. She went from being “less than a field-hand” beggar, to a co-owner of the very field she once gleaned from.
I want to encourage you; if you feel like no one is listening to your testimony or cares about your life story, God will always have someone who will value and appreciate what you have been through and will use it to bless their lives in a profound way.
Your trouble and pain is worth it to someone else. Most importantly, the Father knows and sees what you’ve been through, and your reward will be evident when Christ returns to judge the world and gives out eternal rewards. 
We are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, and seated with him in heavenly places. In this life, though we have troubles and trials, He daily loads us with His benefits! Psalm 68: 19-20

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