Friday, March 8, 2024

Where’s the Toothpaste?

Help! I Need it NOW! 

I did it again… Another senior moment mixed with ADD. 

I had some oral surgery done  Friday so I’ve been brushing my teeth with a soft
bristle toothbrush. My electric toothbrush still sits in the charger with a tube of toothpaste, standing next to it. It’s the kind of tube that has a flat top on it where you can stand it upside down. It’s a very clever inventive idea. It helps me always know where my toothpaste is too. So I thought!

I’m guessing since I didn’t reach for the usual toothbrush and didn’t see the toothpaste standing next to it I reached inside the medicine cabinet, thinking the toothpaste was in there. I grabbed the tube that was the same size as my regular toothpaste and didn’t think anything of it. Plus I was daydreaming about something else which is not unusual for me at all. 

I reached in, put the paste on my, soft, bristled brush, stuck it in my mouth and began brushing. The the taste was awful. I looked at the tube and don’t you know I had accidentally picked up a tube of Voltaren rather than Crest!!!

The ironic thing is, I did the same type of thing, 50 some years ago while spending the night at a High School friend’s house. I went to brush my teeth in the morning and grabbed what I thought was toothpaste. It was her father‘s Brilcream. I didn’t think they would ever stop laughing at the breakfast table. 🤦🏻

As my sweet Jewish friend said that morning, “Oy Vey!” 

I can’t blame it all on dementia. I think it’s more genetic…

On the bright side, I think some of the swelling in my gums should go down now 😏
Mary Ann Wray

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