Sunday, May 5, 2024

Dangerous Places…

Dangerous Places…

Dangerous Places…
Mary Ann Wray
I’m convinced that one of the most “spiritually” dangerous places for a Christian to live is in the United States. We face the daily risk of hearing a diluted gospel, false teachings, fake news, compromising and puffed up preachers and pastors, corrupt politicians, worldview journalists, a polluted worldly education system for our children and a false sense of security. 
Discipleship in the American church, barely exists, and in most places, seems to be comprised of simply going to church, listening to the main pastor and paying tithes. This is not the type of discipleship that Jesus taught. 
For these reasons, Biblically literate Christians living in America, must make a daily decision to constantly swim against the endless stream of compromise or succumb to a lukewarm version of Christianity which offers no real salvation. We have to consciously decide to trust in Christ or trust in fleeting riches; to put one’s faith in God alone, or trust in man made institutions.To die for one’s faith offers, no earthly reward, but the promise of a crown awaits us in Heaven. To live for self offers temporal earthly rewards but eternal damnation. May God give us the grace to work, watch, walk and stand in an evil day until He returns.
I am not attempting to make a political statement or anything like that; just sharing a personal observation, and perhaps a warning as to where we are heading spiritually…a wake up call for all of us including me.
If this resonates within your spirit, please join me in prayer and seeking God‘s face for the body of Christ in America and true revival-not hype. Thanks and God bless🙏🏼

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