Signs of the Times


Signs of the times…
Mary Ann Wray 

This verse in Acts Chapter 1: 6-8, written by the The Apostle Luke, right before Jesus’ Ascension, really got me thinking this morning…
“So when they had come together, they asked him, “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?” He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 
I had to ask myself some serious questions as I meditated on this passage of scripture...
Could it be that we are spending so much time trying to see into the future prophetically, figure out when Jesus will return, argue about when the rapture (catching up of the church) will occur, and how long after that the millennium reign will begin! By giving so much of our attention to these things, not that they are unimportant, are we losing sight of Jesus’ more important admonitions? 
I know I have at times - more times than I’d like to admit. 
Could it be that being preoccupied with end time eschatology has been a possible distraction to keep us from doing what the Lord has really commissioned us to do: to occupy until He comes?
Could it be that the current events in politics are a distraction of the enemy to get us focused on the wrong kingdom? Didn’t Jesus say that His kingdom is not of this world?
What should we really be spending much of our free time doing? Are we just busy entertaining ourselves and “relaxing” in most of our free time? 
What has the Lord given us in terms of gifting and talents that we can use to effectively be a witness for Jesus Christ to a lost and troubled world? 
How concerned are we about living our Christian lives as examples of discipleship and spreading the gospel? 
I think it’s worth meditating on and examining on a personal level: what our real priorities are as believers in Christ. 
Selah, grace and Shalom🙏🏼💕


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