No Secrets!


“For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light.” Luke 8: 17

                                                By Mary Ann Wray

My husband shared a devotion with me today from a devotional he's had since the late 90s. He opened it up to yesterday’s devotion thinking it was for today and there it is again… talking about exposing the hidden works of darkness. The Holy Spirit is clearly speaking to the church in this hour and especially in this year of "exposure" where so much corruption and abuse in the Church is being exposed. I highlighted a few things that stood out to me personally and added the word "congregants."

We must keep on exposing darkness. We each are instruments in God's hands to uncover secrets and hidden things for what they are or else, Satan will continue deceiving and victimizing innocent people.

Bobby also said to me that “secrets” are things you don't tell anyone; only you know what they are. “Hidden things” are things you and perhaps a few others know but are trying to keep them covered up so no one else will find out. I thought that was pretty insightful.

God bless you all and remember we each have a voice that is important in God‘s Kingdom! May the Lord grant you courage and boldness to speak up against injustice and sin in God's House.



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