Sunday, June 2, 2024

Food for thought about AI and Social Media

Food for Thought concerning AI…

You may want to read this longer than average post. I really have a burden about this and feel that the Lord wants me to share a revised version of my first post about AI. It is pinned on my page because I feel for now it’s important to get this information out to you.

You may find this helpful,  especially if you are a believer and follower of Christ… on the other hand, you may disagree or think this is a bunch of huey. That’s fine if you disagree with me. I’m not into slamming people and throwing them under the bus because they disagree with my views. It’s a sad day in our country, where you can’t express differing views and opinions without being intimidated or accused and called out and called names because you disagree.

Having said that, The Meta-AI search thing Facebook added, has really messed things up. It seems to have a mind of its own and doesn’t take you where you do or don’t want go as before. Hmmmmmm???!!!It has given me pause and it has led me to investigate AI a bit more while doing some reflecting and prayer about it. Like any other modern technological breakthrough, thesethings can be used for good or evil.

I also think AI is being used on FB as a more efficient “fact checker.” The power and ability of this AI system will be able to monitor many more posts on social media platforms, at a much quicker rate. As a result, “the powers that be” can use that information to identify and gather information and demographics on a wide range of the American population and use it to intimidate people of a different faiths, political parties,  or views. They are also using AI to track or spending habits and online searches.

I also believe the “powers that be” will continue to monitor what people are saying and thinking, regarding faith, religion, politics and government for more sinister reasons. I am not paranoid or fearful. But I believe when God shows us what’s going on in the dark we should pray for wisdom to know what to do and not do in the light. it not only requires wisdom but discretion. 

It is very very concerning and I believe we should be cautious. 
That is why I have decided not to post any of my opinions or views about politics and government on my social media platforms at all. I believe it’s going to come down to when Christians are going to have to decide what hill they want to die on, so to speak…Capitol Hill or Golgotha’s Hill. 

I am willing to put my neck out for Jesus Christ and spreading His word, but not for a political party or government. My allegiance is to Christ first; His cross, His kingdom and His teachings. This comes first in my life; not a nation or its flag.

Please don’t misunderstand me. I care very much for our country and love what the American flag stands for, but God has called me to be part of His army and that is where I will fight. 

With kind regards,
Mary Ann Wray 

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